The last BLOG I sent you was about “KENYA IS CRYING”. We all were very sad about with all the post-election violence and that the church in Kibera and other Lutheran churches in rural areas were burnt down.
Now, KENYA IS LAUGHING after a Peace Agreement was signed. Rev. Claude and Rhoda Houge wrote in their Mission News: “The newspaper headlines told the people what they have been waiting to hear! After two months of post-election violence and seeming impasse, the two opposing parties agreed to a power-sharing government, and everyone is happy for this move forward. Friends shared that they couldn’t sleep last night because of all the rejoicing and dancing going on in their neighborhoods. We thank the Lord for moving the hearts of people toward reconciliation, and we also thank former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan, who said he would not leave Kenya until there was a peaceful agreement. His hard work has paid off.” – We read this good-news on the plane flying back to Nairobi!
But it is not all quiet and in peace. We read this week that 15 more people were killed in the Rift Valley during ethnic clashes. Please, continue to pray for the Church and for the Country. Displaced people are (more or less) attended, but many are in need because of unemployment. Economy is suffering a lot with that situation. And now it’s time to rebuild the burnt down churches and other burnt down facilities. Special offerings and contributions can be sent through LCMS-WM and WR/HC; please, contact
Joy Mueller
Project Management Director – Africa
LCMS~World Missions/World Relief-Human Care
Stateside Cell Phone #: 651-485-9694
Kenya Cell Phone #: 072-734-1543
Calling from outside Kenya: +254-72-734-1543 or 011-254-72-734-1543
Kenyan Office: St. Louis Address
P.O. Box 22 Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod
Karen, 00502 World Mission and World Relief /Human Care
Kenya, East Africa 1333 South Kirkwood
St. Louis, MO 63122-7295
(Arriving in Nairobi - Mombasa Rd.)
We arrived back in Nairobi on February 29th and our good friends Rev. Claude and Rhoda were at the airport to pick us up and to bring us to our house. On Sunday, March 2nd, I celebrated the Service and presented the Power Point Show I had prepared in Brazil to show there. Lídia and I were very welcome by all the congregants and we are ready to continue to do God’s work here as we have been doing it since we came to Kenya in October 2006.
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