Saturday 8 March 2008


The day before our departure from Brazil, a TV channel – ULBRA TV (Channel 24 uhf. 21 net)– came to our apartment to record an interview for its main Daily News (Maria do Carmo and Ricardo Azeredo).
It was a nice opportunity to talk not only about the post-election violence in Kenya, but principally about the challenges God is giving us being a Brazilian pastor in Kenya. You can watch the interview at the YOUTUBE:

Another two interviews were conducted by Pastor Lucas Albrecht who is in charge of a daily seventh-minute Lutheran message (program) – TOQUE DE VIDA - at the same ULBRA TV, the channel of the Universidade Luterana do Brasil – ULBRA – Lutheran University of Brazil.

The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Brazil circuit “Distrito Portoalegrense” has programs on two TV channels: POA-TV, NET # 6 - TV Cristal: UHF # 55 da UHF and NET #11 . Through the manager Mr. Nélio Schmidt, the camera-man Cristiano recorded two entire presentations: at the “São Paulo” Church in the city of Porto Alegre, and at the Seminário Concórdia in the city of São Leopoldo;

and the Circuit President Rev. Otomar Schlender conducted an interview with me for the same programs. The circuit is planning to prepare a DVD to share our experience in Kenya with people who didn’t have the opportunity to see the presentations.


Pastor Marcos Schmidt, from Novo Hamburgo invited me to write an article to the newspaper “ Jornal NH”: (access it at http://www.gruposinos/.).


And Pastor Waldemar Garcia Jr. invited me to write a special message for the 61st anniversary of the Lutheran Hour in Brazil (Cristo para Todas as Nações – CPTN), that will be shared with all IELB’s congregations.


During our month in Brazil we were in contact with Pastor Omodhi and with other congregants through e-mail, and we sent the E-Bulletin weekly to all e-mail addresses we have from the congregants.

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