Friday, 14 March 2008


We are at the beginning of the Holy Week. Many memorable events happened in Jesus’ life during this week:
His triumphal entry to Jerusalem, the institution of the Holy Supper, His suffering in Gethsemane and the betrayal, His judgment before the Sanhedrin and Pilate and Herod, His crucifixion, His death and burial – and finally, on Easter Sunday: His glorious resurrection! But we can summarize all His work in a very short sentence: “Given and shed for you for the forgiveness of sins”. All these events happened with the sole purpose of giving us forgiveness of sins, and through forgiveness, life and salvation!

Carlos Walter and Lídia Winterle


What is the Sacrament of the Altar?
It is the true body and blood of our Lord Jesus Christ under the bread and wine, instituted by
Christ Himself for us Christians to eat and to drink.


Where is this written?
The holy Evangelists Matthew, Mark, Luke and St. Paul write: Our Lord Jesus Christ, on the
night when He was betrayed, took bread, and when He had given thanks, He broke it and gave
it to the disciples and said: "Take, eat; this is My body, which is given for you. This do in
remembrance of Me." In the same way also he took the cup after supper, and when He had
given thanks, He gave it to them, saying, "Drink of it, all of you; this cup is the new testament in My blood, which is shed for you for the forgiveness of sins. This do, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of Me."

What is the benefit of this eating and drinking?
These words, "Given and shed for you for the forgiveness of sins," shows us that in the
Sacrament forgiveness of sins, life, and salvation are given us through these words. For where
there is forgiveness of sins, there is also life and salvation.


How can bodily eating and drinking do such great things?
Certainly not just eating and drinking do these things, but the words written here: "Given and
shed for you for the forgiveness of sins
." These words, along with the bodily eating and
drinking, are the main thing in the Sacrament. Whoever believes these words has exactly what
they say: "forgiveness of sins."

Who receives this sacrament worthily?
Fasting and bodily preparation are certainly fine outward training. But that person is truly worthy and well prepared who has faith in these words: "Given and shed for you for the forgiveness of sins." But anyone who does not believe these words or doubts them is unworthy and unprepared, for the words "for you" require all hearts to believe.
(Martin Luther's Small Cathechism"

1. Christ has arisen. Alleluia!/ Rejoice and praise Him. Alleluia!
For our Redeemer burst from the tomb,/ Even from death, dispelling its gloom.
Let us sing praise to Him with endless joy.
Death`s fearful sting he has come to destroy.
Our sin forgiving. Alleluia!/ Jesus is living. Alleluia!

2. For three long days the grave did its worst/ Until its strength by God was dispersed./ He who gives life did death undergo/ And in its conquest His might did show. :
Let us sing praise to Him with endless joy.
Death`s fearful sting he has come to destroy.
Our sin forgiving. Alleluia!/ Jesus is living. Alleluia!

3. The angel said to them “Do not fear./ You look for Jesus who is not here./ See for yourselves the tomb is all bare./ Only the grave cloths are lying there.”
Let us sing praise to Him with endless joy.
Death`s fearful sting he has come to destroy.
Our sin forgiving. Alleluia!/ Jesus is living. Alleluia!

4. “Go spread the new he`s not in the grave./ He has arisen this world to save./ Jesus` redeeming labours are done./ Even the battle with sin is won.”
Let us sing praise to Him with endless joy.
Death`s fearful sting he has come to destroy.
Our sin forgiving. Alleluia!/ Jesus is living. Alleluia!

5. Christ has arisen to set us free./ Alleluia! To Him praises be./ Jesus is living! Let us all sing./ He reigns triumphant, heavenly King!
Let us sing praise to Him with endless joy.
Death`s fearful sting he has come to destroy.
Our sin forgiving. Alleluia!/ Jesus is living. Alleluia!

(Text: Bernard Kyamanywa, b.1938; tr. Howard S.Olson, b.1922
Music: Mfurahinim Haleluya, Tanzanian trdicional)

Saturday, 8 March 2008


Dear Friends:

The last BLOG I sent you was about “KENYA IS CRYING”. We all were very sad about with all the post-election violence and that the church in Kibera and other Lutheran churches in rural areas were burnt down.

Now, KENYA IS LAUGHING after a Peace Agreement was signed. Rev. Claude and Rhoda Houge wrote in their Mission News: “The newspaper headlines told the people what they have been waiting to hear! After two months of post-election violence and seeming impasse, the two opposing parties agreed to a power-sharing government, and everyone is happy for this move forward. Friends shared that they couldn’t sleep last night because of all the rejoicing and dancing going on in their neighborhoods. We thank the Lord for moving the hearts of people toward reconciliation, and we also thank former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan, who said he would not leave Kenya until there was a peaceful agreement. His hard work has paid off.” – We read this good-news on the plane flying back to Nairobi!

But it is not all quiet and in peace. We read this week that 15 more people were killed in the Rift Valley during ethnic clashes. Please, continue to pray for the Church and for the Country. Displaced people are (more or less) attended, but many are in need because of unemployment. Economy is suffering a lot with that situation. And now it’s time to rebuild the burnt down churches and other burnt down facilities. Special offerings and contributions can be sent through LCMS-WM and WR/HC; please, contact

Joy Mueller
Project Management Director – Africa
LCMS~World Missions/World Relief-Human Care
Stateside Cell Phone #: 651-485-9694
Kenya Cell Phone #: 072-734-1543
Calling from outside Kenya: +254-72-734-1543 or 011-254-72-734-1543

Kenyan Office: St. Louis Address
P.O. Box 22 Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod
Karen, 00502 World Mission and World Relief /Human Care
Kenya, East Africa 1333 South Kirkwood
St. Louis, MO 63122-7295

During the month of February, Lídia and I were in Brazil to talk about our work in Kenya. (Read the letter at the POSTAGE #7 of this BLOG) It was a busy and blessed time! We now are back in Kenya, happy and thankful that the Peace Agreement was signed, and that we can continue our work here. We are giving through this BLOG a brief report about what happened during the past month.

(Arriving in Nairobi - Mombasa Rd.)
We arrived back in Nairobi on February 29th and our good friends Rev. Claude and Rhoda were at the airport to pick us up and to bring us to our house. On Sunday, March 2nd, I celebrated the Service and presented the Power Point Show I had prepared in Brazil to show there. Lídia and I were very welcome by all the congregants and we are ready to continue to do God’s work here as we have been doing it since we came to Kenya in October 2006.


The day before our departure from Brazil, a TV channel – ULBRA TV (Channel 24 uhf. 21 net)– came to our apartment to record an interview for its main Daily News (Maria do Carmo and Ricardo Azeredo).
It was a nice opportunity to talk not only about the post-election violence in Kenya, but principally about the challenges God is giving us being a Brazilian pastor in Kenya. You can watch the interview at the YOUTUBE:

Another two interviews were conducted by Pastor Lucas Albrecht who is in charge of a daily seventh-minute Lutheran message (program) – TOQUE DE VIDA - at the same ULBRA TV, the channel of the Universidade Luterana do Brasil – ULBRA – Lutheran University of Brazil.

The Evangelical Lutheran Church of Brazil circuit “Distrito Portoalegrense” has programs on two TV channels: POA-TV, NET # 6 - TV Cristal: UHF # 55 da UHF and NET #11 . Through the manager Mr. Nélio Schmidt, the camera-man Cristiano recorded two entire presentations: at the “São Paulo” Church in the city of Porto Alegre, and at the Seminário Concórdia in the city of São Leopoldo;

and the Circuit President Rev. Otomar Schlender conducted an interview with me for the same programs. The circuit is planning to prepare a DVD to share our experience in Kenya with people who didn’t have the opportunity to see the presentations.


Pastor Marcos Schmidt, from Novo Hamburgo invited me to write an article to the newspaper “ Jornal NH”: (access it at http://www.gruposinos/.).


And Pastor Waldemar Garcia Jr. invited me to write a special message for the 61st anniversary of the Lutheran Hour in Brazil (Cristo para Todas as Nações – CPTN), that will be shared with all IELB’s congregations.


During our month in Brazil we were in contact with Pastor Omodhi and with other congregants through e-mail, and we sent the E-Bulletin weekly to all e-mail addresses we have from the congregants.


The Igreja Evangélica Luterana do Brasil – IELB – Evangelical Lutheran Church of Brazil – board invited me to two meetings with them, on February 11th and on February 27th, and to make a presentation to all who work at the IELB’s headquarters.
It was a good opportunity to give a report and to talk with the IELB’s officers about the renewal of our commitment after this first term, which is going to end in October/2008. Congregations and individuals of the IELB offered R$ 5.320,00 (US$ 2,800.00 = KSH 184,800.00) for the ELCK victims of the post-election violence. THANK YOU!

The COLÉGIO CONCÓRDIA – Porto Alegre, invited us to give a presentation at the Teaching Staff’s year opening meeting, on February 20th. (It’s the beginning of a new School Year in Brazil now).

The SEMINÁRIO CONCÓRDIA in the city of São Leopoldo, RS, invited us to speak at its first class day on February 26th to all students, Professors, some visitors, and their families.

It was a very good opportunity to share the challenges the Christian Church faces in Africa with the future pastors. It was so nice to meet so many friends there!


We arrived in Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil, on Sunday, February 3rd, at 1am. On Monday evening we went to the service at the “CRISTO” Church in the city of Porto Alegre. The pastor Reinaldo Lüdke invited me and Lídia to say a few words before the Prayers, and then he prayed for us, for the ELCK and for Kenya. All the people we met assured us of their prayers and we thank all. God heard the prayers of His people!
The next weekend (February 10th) Lídia and I went to our former congregation, “CONCÓRDIA” – Porto Alegre, where I served as pastor from 1988 to 1998, and where we were members from 1998 to 2006 during my IELB’s Presidential time.
. It was so nice to meet so many friends there and to share God’s Word and our experience in Kenya with them during the Service! Thank you, Pastor Dieter Jagnow and Pastor Roberto Kunzendorff Jr. - After this, several pastors of the circuit and their families came together and invited us for a delicious “churrasco gaúcho”, a typical barbeque of the South of Brazil.


On February 16th, Saturday evening, we were invited to give a presentation at “São Paulo” Church, Vila Fátima, city of Cachoeirinha by Rev. Guilherme R.H.Becker, Lidia’s cousin

His two congregations came together for a joint Service. They are African/Brazilian mixed congregations, and many people asked a lot of questions about the land of their forefathers.

On Sunday morning, February 17th, I preached at the chapel of the Lutheran University – ULBRA, city of Canoas, invited by one of the pastors in charge of the chapel, Marco Antonio Jacobsen.

Two former Presidents of the IELB were there: Rev. Dr. Johannes Gedrat and Rev. Dr. Leopoldo Heimann, both my good friends and coworkers. (Before I was elected IELB’s President in 1998, I used to be vice-president with both at their terms.) It was very nice to meet them and to meet many other friends.

On February 24th I preached and gave a presentation at “SÃO PAULO” Church – Porto Alegre- Pastors Otomar Schlender and Klaus Kuchenbecker.. Lídia took some African clothes and handcrafts and people loved to try them on and to take pictures wearing them, and to see the handcrafts. – After the service, a TV interview mentioned in Point # 2 was made inside the church.

January and February are the months of big summer vacation in the South of Brazil, and many people went to the cost, because it’s really hot! We were surprised that every Service we preached at was attended by more than 100 people, in spite of the vacation time. Announcements about the presentations were put through Internet.


It was so nice to arrive in Porto Alegre after mid-night (February 3rd) and to meet all our three children and their loved ones at the airport.
We stayed at our apartment downtown Porto Alegre, were our son Paulo is now living.

This was the fist time for us to stay in our apartment; before we moved to Kenya, it was rented out and we lived in a pastor’s house.

Our little dog Anastácia recognized us and became very happy when she saw us again!

Léo Cristiano, Lídia, Walter, Tatiana and Paulo Henrique.

Lot of challenges were waiting for us: our son Paulo and his fiancée Flávia are planning to get married in September and wanted to remodel the apartment; we gave away lots of clothes, kitchen stuff and furniture to a Children Daycare Center. - Paulo underwent a surgery on his left knee on FEB 19th and Lídia could take care of him for some days. He is recovering well.

– Léo and Carol were preparing themselves to move to Germany this week (March 6th), and were preparing their stuff.

Tatiana and Dickson “are” pregnant… expecting the baby at the end of August; and you can imagine what it means.

Léo and Gustavo, our nephew (and like a son), was remodeling the apartment where he lives with his mother Kuki (Lidia’s sister). The apartment is just in the building opposite to our apartment, and Kuki was in São Paulo visiting her sister Irene. – It was very good to be with our children during this month at such a special time for every one of them.

The car we had there was a Volkswagen 65, from our son Paulo (it's his first car!!!). He and Gustavo were our drivers.

(Pastor Gustavo Scholze (86 years old on March 22) and his wife Hildegard.)
Many friends wanted to see us and invited us for lunch or for dinner. There was not enough time to accept all invitations. THANK YOU all for your love.


(Daniele, Lídia, Irene and Kuki)
As we arrived at the airport in São Paulo on February 2nd, where we waited 6 hours for the connection to Porto Alegre, Lídia’s two sisters and a niece came to welcome us: Irene, Eunice (Kuki) and Daniela. We talk a lot and eat a good pizza. Irene lives in São Paulo and Kuki was visiting her. (We didn't meet Lídia's brothers: Rev. Carlos, who is Pastor in Passo Fundo, RS; and Luiz Gustavo, who lives in Germany).

Once in Porto Alegre, I met my brother and my sisters too. First we visited Dóra, who lives in Porto Alegre. (The others live in Santa Cruz do Sul, two hours by car from Porto Alegre).

(Oscar, Clara, Ruth, Dóra, Walter)

And on Sunday, February 24, after the Service, Dóra invited us all for a lunch, and some cousins and nephews too: my brothers Oscar + Regina, my sisters Clara + Odilo, Ruth + Hiltor, and our children.

( My nephew Heitor, my brother-in-law Odilo and my sister Clara, and my sister Dóra.)

More than 25 people came together for lunch. THANK YOU ALL! We were not able to visit everyone at their homes.

We met Lídia’s aunt, Eugenia, and several cousins too. We made a lot of phone calls to friends and relatives. All were anxious to see us and to talk with us after one year and 4 months away from Brazil.


Because of the post-election violence in Kenya, our pastoral work was suffering (read at the end of this BLOG the letter that was send to the congregants the day we traveled). On Wednesday, January 30th, it was decided that on Friday, February 1st, we should go to Brazil, to work there for one month, sharing with the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Brazil our work and experiences in Kenya.

On Thursday Lídia and I had a meeting with Pastor Omodhi and his wife Clara, and another meeting with Bishop Obare and his wife Eunice, to share the plans with them.
Then we came home and prepared our luggage till late in the night.

Mombasa Rd, the way to the airport.

And on Friday we took the plain to Johannesburg, South Africa (4 hours flight), where we had to wait until the next day to take the flight to São Paulo (11 hours flight); and from São Paulo we took another flight to Porto Alegre (1:30 hours flight), where we arrived past mid-night on February 3rd..

God helped us and protected us in all flights and journeys, and blessed our work in Brazil. To HIM be the glory!

Letter sent through the E-Bulletin to all congregants and read at the service by Pastor Omodhi at the Service the following Sunday we traveled:

Dear Friends:

This is more than a Bulletin. This is a letter, a pastoral letter to my congregants. I and my wife Lídia are going back to Brazil for a short time, maybe three (3) weeks, God willing. The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod – World Mission (LCMS-WM) asked us to go and to promote the mission in Kenya there. Part of my job to remain as a missionary in Kenya and Pastor at Uhuru Highway Lutheran Cathedral is to raise awareness of the work we are doing as well as support for my work in my home country. Because of the post-election violence, visits and other activities in the congregation have been curtailed. That allows us to take advantage of this time to fulfill this other important responsibility in order for me to continue in service to you and the church here in Kenya.

Lídia and I are very sad because of this situation and we trust in God that we can come back as soon as possible. We love Kenyan people, we love the country, we love our work, and we love the Church of our Lord Jesus.

We will use this time to promote the work in Kenya and to find as many contacts as possible in Brazil to talk about the mission possibilities in Kenya and about the good social work that has been done among children/orphans, street boys, HIV/AIDS infected and affected, and other needy people. We will talk about the friendship we have with you and about the blessings God is pouring over the ELCK, particularly over the Uhuru Highway Lutheran Cathedral and Parish.

We apologize that we cannot say “Good by” to you personally. We are sure that God has His good plans for us with this trip. It will be the first time we are going home during the 16 months we have been working among you. All the work will be continued during our absence. Pastor Omodhi is in charge of the parish and God will bless him more and more.

“Now I commit you to GOD and to the work of his grace, which can build you up and give you an inheritance among all those who are sanctified.” (Acts 20:32)
Pastor Carlos Walter and Lídia Winterle