Sunday, 21 October 2007

Several Activities (D) - Pastor Carlos first year in Nairobi

By God's grace, my wife Lídia and I have completed one year of work at UHLC on 6th October 2007. We thank God for all blessings, and we thank all for the good support we are receiving here.
At the airport in Porto Alegre, Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, departing to come to Nairobi, Kenia, on October 3rd, 2006.

Pastor Carlos was installed on November 5th, 2006 as pastor to the English Service at Uhuru Highway Lutheran Cathedral - UHLC.

Evangelist Sylvester Opiyo, Rev. Enos Omodhi, Presiding Bishop Rev. Dr. Walter Obare Omwanza, Rev. Dr. Carlos Walter Winterle, Rev. Claude Houge, Rev. Dr. Paul Müller - at the Installation Service.

Pastor Carlos presented a Report at the Elders Meeting last 6th October about his 1st year of activities at UHLC. Some details: The average of attendance at the services grew from 71 to 97 people per service. 23 baptisms were celebrated (3 adults). A Sunday School Curriculum for 3 years is ready, and 180 Bible Stories are in a Cabinet File with pictures, activities for the children, resources for the teachers, etc.


Several Activities (D) UHLC new Chairpersons

Mrs. LINNETH SHIUNDU is the new chairlady of UHLCathedral! And Mr. STEVEN KISAMO is the vice-chairman! They were chosen at the last Elders Meeting, Oct./6th. CONGRATULATIONS and God's blessings!
Dr. HOSEANA B. LUNOGELO resigned as Chairman. He moved back to Tanzania, after living more than 18 years in Kenya. (More details about Dr. Lonogelo in this BLOG "Do you know these people?"). THANK YOU, Dr. Lunogelo, for chairing UHLC so many years with God's blessing!

Several Activities (D) - UHLC NURU Sunday

14th October was the Nuru Sunday at UHLC. NURU LUTHERAN MEDIA MINISTRY is a Lutheran organization affiliated to ELCK. It is a branch of International Lutheran Laymen's League, sponsor of the Lutheran Hour Ministry. "Our Mission is taking Christ to the Nations and the Nations do the churches. And our Vision is to Equip and Engage lay people in congregation to Proclaim the Gospel in their respective regions so as to enhance growth and active participation in the life of the local congregation."
Mr. John Maina, Country Director, spoke to the congregants about the challenges NURU has in Kenya and NURU staff were present too.
The Bible Correspondence Course has more than 30 000 students. The Prison Ministry is ongoing well too.

Nuru has several booklets, CDs and DVDs (for children too), that were offered after the service.

You can visit Nuru Office and know better the outreach work they are doing: At Ngong Rd, near the China Center and near Kenya Women Finance Trust. Call to Mr. John Maina and book a meeting with him: 0735 191 010.


In the same Sunday, "The Conquerors" (Music and Drama Team) from Kawangware visited us and sang several nice songs during the Service. They are doing they work joint with NURU. They are doing outreach programs: On 14th and 15th September they visited a school in Gituru, Tika. They reached there 3000 thousand students with the Gospel through music, drama, testimonies, presentations about HIV/AIDS and other topics. They went back to that school on Oct/21 to do follow up. They are looking for be sponsored to record a CD with music.

"The Conquerors"sold after the service the two VCDs they launched: "JUU CHINI" and "UAMINUFU", both in Swahili (60 minutes every one). If you want to buy one, let us know.

Several Activities (D) - UHLC Services

Rev. Charles (Chuck) W. Webb, from Traverse City, MI, USA, preached at our service on Oct/7.
He came with the LCMS Medical Team (see next post) to work in Kibera. He his Pastor and Medical Doctor. Rev. Chuck was here October last year with a Medical Team too.

Pastor Jostein Holmedal, from Norway, preached at our English and Swahili Service on Oct/21. He and his wife were with the Youth Group (see next picture), and they are from the Norwegian Lutheran Mission, sponsors of the Scripture Mission.

A Youth Group from Norway visited the UHLC on October 21. The groups name is TeFT, short for "Lit to serve" in Norwegian. They sang in both services (English and Swahili). Thank you, and God bless your good testimony!

Several Activities (D) - Kibera - Medical Team

A Medical Team came from the USA in October(5 to 15) to serve the community in Kibera. They were led by Sally Henrickson, from the LCMS World Relief and Human Care. On Oct.7th they attended the service at UHLC and on Oct.14 they attended "Spring Of Life" in Kibera. Pastor Charles (Chuck) W. Webb, who is also a Medical Doctor, preached on both Sundays.
The renewed health facilities at the Church and the church's basement were used by the Medical Team to take care of the sick people who came. 200 people came every day

First of all, people coming to be examined by the Medical Team received spiritual care in the church. Rev. Dennis Meeker, just installed as pastor at "Spring of Life Lutheran Church - Kibera", assisted by Pastor Omodhi, Josaphat and other leaders, read portions of the Bible, led devotionals and prayed with the people. "The Conquerors" and other musical groups were singing, praising God and giving a good Christian testimony. After this, people were seen by the Doctors, took blood tests, HIV/AIDS tests and others, and received counseling from specialists.

The Medical Team brought several medicament to be given to the sick people.
THANK YOU, friends, for sharing God's love with our people from Kibera!

Saturday, 20 October 2007

Several Activities (D) - Kawangware Orphans

Near the Church of Kawangware, there is a very poor school, with 80 children. 20 are orphans (most of them HIV/AIDS orphans). They don't have running water nor toilets, and the classrooms are rented. Some of them are receiving some support for uniforms and shoes through a program managed by Ev. Sylvester and Deac. Mary. UHLC Pastoral Staff and the pastor and some leaders of Kawangware Luth. Church visited the school on 3rd October to know better their reality and to discuss with Teacher Veronica a food program. After this, the food program began.
Twice a week, on Tuesday and on Thursday, the 20 orphans are brought to the Kawangware church. They first hear Bible Stories, they sing and they are entertained by the Sunday School Teachers. After this they received food.


On October 18th, UHLC Pastoral Staff visited Kawangware to see how was working that program and some visitors from the USA were there too:Rev. Mark Sell, Executive Director of "Friends of Mercy", from the LCMS; Rev. Karl Galik, (Senior Pastor), Mrs. Elizabeth (Teacher) and Mr. Kirk (Elder) from St. John Lutheran Church, Rochester, MI.


After receiving the spiritual food, all children wash their hands to receive the physical food. Teacher Veronica, from their school, helps them.


Finally the children receive their food, very well prepared by some youths from Kawangware.


Dr. Zoltan Balint (one of UHLC Elders) and his wife Beata, through a Mission Society from their home-church in Hungary, are giving support to this food program. Thanks to them and to all brothers and sisters of that Mission Society in Hungary. God bless you all!
Will you help this food program too? Bring your food offering to the church on the First Sunday of the month (or other days to the church's office), or send some money to this project.
Jesus says:"I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me." (Matthew 25.40)

Several Activities (D) - Do you know these people?

We are introducing some more UHLC families through the BLOG:
Mika Piittala, his wife Hanna Leena and the children Valtteri (9) and Ville (11). Both are deacons, working for LEAF - Lutheran Evangelical Association of Finland, and they came recently from Finland to prepare themselves to work in the Maasai Mission.
Ben Akuku Ochieng, his wife Faith Kavinoe Ochieng and their daughter Quinsley Rey Ochieng. Ben is brother to Martin Akuku.


Eng. Lawrence Atera, his wife Caroline and the children Ted Basive and Tvisa Movaa. Eng. Atera is one of our Elders, and Mrs. Atera is a Sunday School Teacher at UHLC.

Dr. Hoseana Bohela Lunogelo and his wife Violet. They have four children. He is the former chairman of our congregation and moved back to his home town in Tanzania, where he is working as Executive Director at the Economic and Social Research Foundation - ESRF. His family is still in Nairobi and he comes as often as possible to visit them while their are preparing to move there too.

Douglas Ndege and his wife Mildred + little Emmanuel. Douglas is one of our organist and he works to AAR.


Hillary and Purity Omodhi (children of Rev. Enos Omodhi and Clara) and their friend George

Isaiah Mogeni Mogoko and his brother's family: Gladys with little Joshwa and Emmanuel Nyamweya Mogeni with Mitchel.


Ev. Francis Mboche and his wife Martha. They live in Kibera. He is the Evangelist serving Kiambu.


John Michoro is the treasurer of the ELCK. His wife Rose and the children: Ivy, Emmanuel and Ivah (+ Moraa, not in the picture.)


This is the new pastor of Kawangware, Rev. Zedekiah Nyokwoyo, graduated last June at the Seminary of Mekane Jesu Church in Ethiopia.

(Sorry that I change his name with Reuben in the last BLOG.)


Rueben Nyaribari, his wife Jennifer and little Joan. Rueben is serving in the Kenya Air Forces in the Music Department. He is brother to Jared Nyaema, who works to Nuru Lutheran Media Ministry.(Sorry that in the last BLOG I change his name with the new pastor of Kawangware, Rev. Zedekiah).


Mr. Cole and Marylin Dodge are living near the Village Market. He was the Regional Director for UNICEF, and is now University Professor .

Marylin is working as volunteer with street children.


These are our youths from Namibia. They are studying Pharmacy at the University (opposite to the UHLC). They are now in their fist vacation back home. They are (from left to right): Ester Mvula, Martha Lombardt, Sophia Shiguedha, ester Naikuku, Saren Kauhondamwa and Justus Ekandjo. We are missing them, but in January they are back to Nairobi, God willing.

So we had the opportunity to introduce several people of our congregation. Please, before or after the service let us take a picture of you and your family too to publish it in the BLOG.

Pastor Carlos and Lídia Winterle