Moses Aboka, the Youth Leader, wrote: “The Nairobi Lutheran Youths organized for a Youth Rally purposed to mobilize, motivate and prepare youths for evangelism. The event was organized in the remote area of Kumpa – Kajiado, a Massai area, (from 9th to 12th August 2007). Youths from different congregations and background came together and did almost everything in unity and love… We held Bible quiz on Friday… Youths participated and it was amazing to notice how this young people had invested their time in reading studying the word of God.”
It was an ABLAZE event, and at the first night the youths learnt about ABLAZE surrounding a bonfire: “Praying to the Lord of the Harvest Lutheran Church Missouri Synod – World Mission (LCMS-WM) in collaboration with its North American and worldwide partners, will share the Good News of Jesus with 100 million unreached and uncommitted people by the 500th anniversary of the Reformation in 2017.”
Moses wrote more: “We were able to share the gospel with approximately 321 people for all the three days. I have the names of the individuals, and we can also include them in the Ablaze contact /response form that we normally have.”
“We also distributed the Massai Good News during our door to door evangelism and the crusade and every other day that we had programs with the local people. Most people were overwhelmed by the gifts of the word and it was true that access to Christian literature was a challenge to them.” (Obs.: The Massai Good News were donated by Scripture Mission; thank you!”)
Sport and Youth walk together. “Nairobi Combined” was a good team!
God bless these youth as they are sharing their faith in Jesus”
At the end of November 2007, Emmanuel Mugami led some youth, members and the choir from “Spring of Life”- Kibera, to Molo (Nakuru area), for a seminar with the local people. Molo is a new emerging congregation, that began with some contacts with Kibera’s member’s relatives, and now the Pastor of Nakuru is in charge of that new congregation. – Several children were baptized that day.
The service was held outside, at a very simple place. But many people came together to hear the Word of God.
Several adults were instructed in the Christian Lutheran Faith and confessed their faith publicly that day.
A lady was baptized that day…
and some youth were baptized too...
... and other youth confirmed.
The Holy Supper was offered to the new members for the fist time and to the Lutheran visitors from Kibera.
Emmanuel Mungami wrote a report about MOLO:
“The Ministry in Molo started in April 2007. There wasChristians in Springs of Life Lutheran Church inKibera who when they visited Molo as their rural homehad to worship in other churches and those living inthe rural home worshipped in other Pentecostal churchthere. This inspired the youth outreach ministry inSprings of Life Kibera to visit the area and preachnot only to the few Lutherans but also to reach out tothe unreached. Open air preaching were done in the monthof April 2007 and home visitations to the inhabitants.The results were good as many reached with the wordinspired the team when they started fellowshipping inone of the Christians home and doing bible study. Thisgrew up to a congregation of 15 adults Members andmore than 30 children. A Christian offered his schoolhall premises for the people to worship every Sundayand the Parish leader in Nakuru Parish assigned a layevangelist to be visiting and lead Lutheran worshipservice every Sunday and teach Lutheran Catechism.The Bishop visited in May of 2007 with 20 visitorsfrom TOMBALL CHURCH, USA and were able to see this newABLAZE MISSION work by ELCK.Parish pastor in Nakuru would occasionally visit andlead and teach the worshippers too. In July of 2007the congregation increased over 30 Adults wouldcongregate for Sunday worship and more than 45children. This growth was an inspiration and the teamleader Emmanuel organized with Nuru Media Ministry andvisited together with Conquerors Singing group andthe youth in Kibera for follow up evangelization andfor 4 days the team was in Molo in August. More peoplewere reaching by the word of God through Nuru filmMinistry and home visitations.In July of 2007 Pastor Carlos Winterle of theNairobi Uhuru Cathedral, team leader Emmanuel and 4youths from Springs of Life Lutheran Church visited forSunday worship service in which the pastoradministered Holy Communion with the Nakuru Parishleader. At that time 38 Adults were alreadycongregating every Sunday and more than 45 children.
In November 2007 the Parish of Nakuru held its Synodin Molo and 3 other Lutheran congregations that formpart of the Parish were in attendance. Springs of Lifechoir attended as Guest Choir Emmanuel and DavidMaseno attended in Official capacity as Elders inSprings of Life Kibera for 3 days in which Lutheranteachings were taught and in the worship service inthat synod 12 youths above the age of twelve years werebaptized, 22 Infants were baptized too, 11 Adults werebaptized, 5 were received back to the fellowship of theLutheran Community since they had joined otherchurches and 1 person received confirmation. Thefollowing joined the Lutheran church and to continuewith Catechism teachings 1 from Free Pentecostal, 2 fromP.C.E.A Church, 2 from Good News Church,1 from P.A.GChurch,1from A.G.C. Church, and 1 from full GospelChurch. WE THANK THE LORD OF THE HARVEST JESUS CHRISTAND FOR USING HIS SERVANTS IN THE FIELD OF GOD'SVINEYARD.Emmanuel Mungami and David Maseno handed over thecongregation to the leadership of Nakuru Parish underPastor Samuel Langat. The Bishop was to consecratepastor Chepkwony to be in charge of that New borncongregation Springs of Life Lutheran Church – KOINGE.Unfortunately the place was adversely affected by thepost election violence; this will be done once theplace is calm and people resettled.”
On December 11th, Bishop Obare visited Kiambu with Pastor Omodhi, Pastor Carlos and Ev. Sylvester to discuss about the construction of a new chapel. The present building is falling down. A Construction Team from Springfield, MO, USA, “Builders for Christ”, is planning to come and to help local people to build a new chapel. The new building is necessary to do a better outreach program in Kiambu.
God bless these youth as they are sharing their faith in Jesus”
Emmanuel Mungami wrote a report about MOLO:
“The Ministry in Molo started in April 2007. There wasChristians in Springs of Life Lutheran Church inKibera who when they visited Molo as their rural homehad to worship in other churches and those living inthe rural home worshipped in other Pentecostal churchthere. This inspired the youth outreach ministry inSprings of Life Kibera to visit the area and preachnot only to the few Lutherans but also to reach out tothe unreached. Open air preaching were done in the monthof April 2007 and home visitations to the inhabitants.The results were good as many reached with the wordinspired the team when they started fellowshipping inone of the Christians home and doing bible study. Thisgrew up to a congregation of 15 adults Members andmore than 30 children. A Christian offered his schoolhall premises for the people to worship every Sundayand the Parish leader in Nakuru Parish assigned a layevangelist to be visiting and lead Lutheran worshipservice every Sunday and teach Lutheran Catechism.The Bishop visited in May of 2007 with 20 visitorsfrom TOMBALL CHURCH, USA and were able to see this newABLAZE MISSION work by ELCK.Parish pastor in Nakuru would occasionally visit andlead and teach the worshippers too. In July of 2007the congregation increased over 30 Adults wouldcongregate for Sunday worship and more than 45children. This growth was an inspiration and the teamleader Emmanuel organized with Nuru Media Ministry andvisited together with Conquerors Singing group andthe youth in Kibera for follow up evangelization andfor 4 days the team was in Molo in August. More peoplewere reaching by the word of God through Nuru filmMinistry and home visitations.In July of 2007 Pastor Carlos Winterle of theNairobi Uhuru Cathedral, team leader Emmanuel and 4youths from Springs of Life Lutheran Church visited forSunday worship service in which the pastoradministered Holy Communion with the Nakuru Parishleader. At that time 38 Adults were alreadycongregating every Sunday and more than 45 children.
In November 2007 the Parish of Nakuru held its Synodin Molo and 3 other Lutheran congregations that formpart of the Parish were in attendance. Springs of Lifechoir attended as Guest Choir Emmanuel and DavidMaseno attended in Official capacity as Elders inSprings of Life Kibera for 3 days in which Lutheranteachings were taught and in the worship service inthat synod 12 youths above the age of twelve years werebaptized, 22 Infants were baptized too, 11 Adults werebaptized, 5 were received back to the fellowship of theLutheran Community since they had joined otherchurches and 1 person received confirmation. Thefollowing joined the Lutheran church and to continuewith Catechism teachings 1 from Free Pentecostal, 2 fromP.C.E.A Church, 2 from Good News Church,1 from P.A.GChurch,1from A.G.C. Church, and 1 from full GospelChurch. WE THANK THE LORD OF THE HARVEST JESUS CHRISTAND FOR USING HIS SERVANTS IN THE FIELD OF GOD'SVINEYARD.Emmanuel Mungami and David Maseno handed over thecongregation to the leadership of Nakuru Parish underPastor Samuel Langat. The Bishop was to consecratepastor Chepkwony to be in charge of that New borncongregation Springs of Life Lutheran Church – KOINGE.Unfortunately the place was adversely affected by thepost election violence; this will be done once theplace is calm and people resettled.”
On December 11th, Bishop Obare visited Kiambu with Pastor Omodhi, Pastor Carlos and Ev. Sylvester to discuss about the construction of a new chapel. The present building is falling down. A Construction Team from Springfield, MO, USA, “Builders for Christ”, is planning to come and to help local people to build a new chapel. The new building is necessary to do a better outreach program in Kiambu.
On March 7th 2008, THE CONQUERORS visited St. Deborah Girls Secondary School in Kawangware. They are working under the ABLAZE umbrella and invited Pastor Carlos to go with them in that visit. Since last year they have visited several schools to share the Gospel. They are planning to visit two or three schools every month.
On March 7th 2008, THE CONQUERORS visited St. Deborah Girls Secondary School in Kawangware. They are working under the ABLAZE umbrella and invited Pastor Carlos to go with them in that visit. Since last year they have visited several schools to share the Gospel. They are planning to visit two or three schools every month.
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