Wednesday 2 April 2008


I asked Pastor Dennis Meeker, from Kibera, to send me some pictures and to write a report about the actual situation there after the church and other facilities were burnt during the post-election violence. He wrote on March 9th:

“Springs of Life Lutheran Church Kibera is celebrating peace in Kenya. We really thank God for this change in the aftermath of much chaos. Your prayers are no small thing and we so much appreciate the fact that we are united with you in Christ Jesus our Lord. With many challenges before us we can only ask that you continue to pray that God will provide what we need to sustain us and move us forward in the rebuilding process.

We have been trying to do the little we can in the interim period as politicians are now headed the right direction for the betterment of the country. Water and electricity have been restored. Temporary fence has been put up to enclose the compound from the public. As of yesterday the main gate foundation is being dug. This is God’s work as many never thought this could happen so soon. Opposition from those who depend on the water they retrieve from our plot really was an obstacle but God has changed attitudes to agree to our security and also we agree to make water available to those that depend on it so much. A permanent stone fence with razor blade wire topped with electric fence is top priority as a proposal has been submitted to World Relief Human Care of LCMS St. Louis for assistance. Please pray that God may open the avenues for this security to be realized. It is crucial to the rebuilding process. In fact rebuilding would not be practical without a permanent fence.

We have put temporary roofing on two rooms of the parsonage so the Pastor has an office and also some storage for necessities. The church roof has been temporarily repaired and new glass fixed in the big window above the altar. This will keep us dry when the rainy season begins.

The Nursery School has over 30 children .Vision Africa has set a feeding program for our nursery school children. Thanks be to God. The restrooms at the school were least damaged and are being renovated with gifts from our friends at Scripture Mission. This is very important to pass inspection and keep the school open. The water tower is about finished with a 5,000 liter tank. Many fittings were stolen or broken, yet a plan is in place to replace and repair everything.

Plans are being put in place to temporarily replace the roofing of three classrooms and kitchen at the school. This includes widows, doors, electricity, plumbing, power washing, and painting. This will allow some normality for the children and give us time to plan well and fund raise for rebuilding the school as it was before the fire or even better. The love of Christ abides forever.

Yours in Christ,
Rev. Dennis Meeker “

Lidia and I attended the service in Kibera on March 30th. The burnt cross is still there, to remind of the suffering of Christ on the cross and to remind of the suffering of His people who had their church and facilities burnt.

The church was full! People are reacting very well, coming to the Services and to other activities, and helping to rebuilt the facilities.

Pastor Dennis asked me to help him when the Lord’s Supper was offered to God’s people.

Just to remember: On December 16th 2007, I preached at Kibera. The church and the other buildings had been painted and remodeled not long before and were all very nice and clean. But, God can change the bad to good!
“ The Bible from Kibera Lutheran Church”
This piece from a Bible was found in the ruins of the Lutheran Church in Kibera slum, after the fire that has been there. The Church, School and the clinic was striked of this fire.
This piece was saved from all the trash after the fire.
Psalm 124:2-3
“If it had not been the Lord who was on our side, when men rose up against us, Then they would have swallowed us alive, when their wrath was kindled against us.”
(Report sent by Pastor Rune Mjolhus, from Scripture Mission).

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