They were at UHLC Service Sunday morning and they had a Prayer Service at Piittala's home at 3pm afternoon.
The following letter explain you some of the necessities and how to help:
"Dear John:
Here are the facts so you can use them in any communication.
There are numerous needs for the people of Kenya during this time of suffering due to unrest in post election aftermath since December 27, 2007. It has been an intense week for all of us and we are cognizant of the situation which still lies ahead as the two political parties resolve their differences to reach peace in Kenya. In light of this violence, loss of lives, and continual hardship for our partners in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Kenya (ELCK), I have orally assessed the ELCK’s needs with the leadership to help identify immediate needs for our Christian brothers and sisters. Springs of Life Lutheran Church and medical clinic in Kibera were looted then had most of their buildings destroyed by fire. Bishop Obare suggested that we focus on immediate needs for the people of the ELCK and I will do on-going assessment in the days to come for long term rebuilding and relief for members.
Western Kenya needs are as followed suggested by Rev David Chuchu:
Food – many people cannot purchase food as they have not been able to work or get money. (Maize and beans would be helpful)
Cooking Oil
medication is needed for the clinic but no funds
Blankets, sheets, and pillows for displaced persons who lost their homes due to riots and looting.
Mosquito nets to keep them safe from Malaria
Tents for housing until homes can be found or rebuild
Kibera – according to Rev. Dennis and Lorna Meeker ( I have been waiting for pictures from Dennis but they are not coming through. I will try to get you before and after pictures if Dennis has not sent them to you.)
Food to distribute to people and those living at the guest house
Cooking oil
Tents for housing displaced persons (Cost from $100.00 - $500.00 depending on # of people in tent)
Medical supplies (all were taken before the clinic was burned)
Foam pads/mattress for tent dwellers
Blankets, sheets, and pillows for displaced persons who lost their homes due to riots and looting
Tarpaulins for a make shift church to worship as a congregation. The tarpaulins will be attached to stick poles to keep the sun or rain off people.
250 people tent ($500.00) for a church building to worship in Kibera (this will be needed in the future so tarpaulins will help for now)
Nairobi – shared by Rev. Carlos Walter Winterle
There are two areas which Rev.Winterle and Rev. Omidhi serve in Nairobi and their members are in need: Ongata Rongai Township where members were looted and are temporarily living within the Police Station for safety & Kawangware (slum) where Pastor Omidhi and members have suffered. Rev. Winterle has been contacting all the members by cell phone (who have one) or Pastor Omidhi has visited them to assess their needs. During one phone conversation a member shared with Rev. Winterle, “I cannot go out to buy milk for my children because the fighting is so bad” In the background Rev. Winterle could hear the baby crying which touched his heart. The following is a list from both these areas:
Foam pads/mattress
Blankets, sheets, and pillows
In future, corrugated tin, nails, wood, etc to rebuild homes.
The area is quiet today but talks of another rally on January 8th are scheduled. These rallies are held at Uhuru Park in the center of Nairobi but violence has been triggered in Western Kenya and the slum areas around Nairobi. Our LCMS worker, Catherine Wangari, is living in an area that is safe at the moment but her Mom and brother live in a highly targeted area which has had looting and burning of homes. Their home has not been targeted but this has caused much anxiety in Catherine’s youngest child as he worries about the extended family living in an active area of violence. Please pray for peace and reconciliation in Kenya.
Joy Mueller
Project Management Director – Africa
LCMS~World Missions/World Relief-Human Care
Stateside Cell Phone #: 651-485-9694
Kenya Cell Phone #: 072-734-1543
Calling from outside Kenya: +254-72-734-1543 or 011-254-72-734-1543
Kenyan Office: St. Louis Address
P.O. Box 22 Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod
Karen, 00502 World Mission and World Relief /Human Care
Kenya, East Africa 1333 South Kirkwood
St. Louis, MO 63122-7295
Ablaze! – Sharing the Good News of Christ Jesus with 100 million people by 2017!"
This family: Joseph Mbui, Evelyn, Rony and Monica (our godchild) needed to flee from their house on midnight, December 31st. They are in a Police Station, waiting to go back to their small and poor house. They asked two mosquito net and a blanket. They received them after the service at UHLC on Sunday. They are the first family who received some support through LCMS - World Relief and Human Care at UHLC. THANK YOu! We gave them some food too. When they are going back home, they will need mattresses, pillows, clothes, etc, because all was looted of their house. They will receive more support from LCMS-WRHC. This is a good example how you can help.
I was finishing to prepare this BLOG when I received from Evangelist Sylvester Opyio an e-mail and some more pictures. He was in Kibera on Sunday at the Service. I share this e-mail with you and added some of the picture to the BLOG:
"Shalom good evening to you brothers and sisters in Christ. Thank you for remembering us in your prayers as a nation. We are bleeding and crying out for God to restore our land. This are some of the pictures at our Church in Kibera that was razed down together with the Nursery School and the Pastors House. We hope that you can share these pictures with other sisters and brothers in Christ.Even though they burnt the buildings but the true church which is the very body of Christ purchased by His precious blood was able to congregate this Sunday and worship in the debris and ashes of the ruins.Some of the people persons in the pictures are those that have lost all their property in the skirmishes and are either staying with friends some where else and some are staying with Pastor Dennis Meeker, the Pastor in charge at Kibera.We request more for your prayers and support to rebuild our hearts and then the structural of worship. God bless you for remembering us and praying with us. Sylvester
Acabo de ler o blog do pastor Carlos. Sensacional! Extraordinário! Apesar da tristeza e do grito do povo do Quenia...!
A medida que lia, me parecia estar vendo 'ao vivo' ações do livro de Atos, a mão de Deus, sua proteção, consolo e companhia de seus anjos!
Me deu forças à fé mais que mil sermões....
Vamos divugar o blog através do Projeto Macedônia.
Rev. Martinho Rennecke
Caro colega Carlos.
Estou acompanhando com muita preocupação e tristeza os acontecimentos em Quenia.
Ao mesmo tempo, tenho a convicção que o nosso Pai do céu está olhando por todos vocês, por todas as famílias que crêem em Seu nome.
Que o bondoso e poderoso Deus vos guarde de todo o mal.
Estamos orando por vocês.
P. Valdo Weber
Caro colega Carlos.
Estou acompanhando com muita preocupação e tristeza os acontecimentos em Quenia.
Ao mesmo tempo, tenho a convicção que o nosso Pai do céu está olhando por todos vocês, por todas as famílias que crêem em Seu nome.
Que o bondoso e poderoso Deus vos guarde de todo o mal.
Estamos orando por vocês.
P. Valdo Weber
Olá pastor Winterle e Sra Lidia um forte abraço e as bênçãos de Deus. Oramos diariamente por vocês aqui na CPTN e também na CEL Bom Pastor da Lapa, S.Paulo.
Vocês não estão sós, além de Deus, nós estamos com vocês.
Fiquem sob os cuidados de Deus.
Pr. Waldemar Garcia Jr.
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