On 29th December I sent an e-mail to the UHLC members (few have Internet at home; they need to go to Cybercafés or at their job); and we called many people: "Don't come to church!"
"Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:
"Seek the peace and prosperity of the city... Pray to the LORD for it." Jeremiah 29:7
All know that the situation after the elections are not comfortable and in some places very dangerous. Therefore we decided to not have service this Sunday, 30th December (English and Swahili Service). We called to several people and asked them to call to their friends. Stay at your houses and pray with your family.
The situation for Jesus was very dangerous after the first Christmas too. He needed to escape to Egypt, because King Herod wanted to kill Him. This is the Gospel for this Sunday. But God took care of Him and of His parents. I'm sending a copy of the sermon in attach. Maybe many of you will read this message only on Monday or latter. But pray for our country and for our church.
We invite you to come to the church on the 1st of January, at 10am. There will be a joint service English- Swahili. I hope we will have peace on the first day of the New Year. It's universal PEACE DAY, and we need peace in our country.
God bless you all.
Pastor Carlos"
But then we needed to call all of them again, saying: "Don't come to the New Year Service too! It's to dangerous to go out from the houses. Lets pray at home for PEACE!"
God be thank that on January 6th we had our normal Services in English and in Swahili. We hope we can stay in Nairobi to do our work, God's Work. Pray for us!
On the same day (December 29th) I sent a letter to my BLOG list. And so many reacted... "We are praying... our church are praying... I asked to our prayer chain to pray for you all..." - THANK YOU, MY FRIENDS! GOD BLESS YOU ALL! :
"Dear friends in Christ:
We are sharing with you many good news about our work here in Kenya. But today I need to share with you some concerns about what is happening here and ask for your prayers. Many of your are watching on TV about the elections in Kenya and about violence happening here. Because the tumults we decided to don't have services tomorrow, December 30. On the suburb were Pastor Omodhi is living, Kawangware, 9 people were killed this afternoon. In Kibera, many houses near our church were burnt. (American pastor Dennis Meeker is Pastor there). We called to the families, asking them to stay at home and to pray at home. Can you imagine a pastor saying to his people "Don't come to the church???" We sent them a copy of the sermon; the Gospel for tomorrow tells us about the escape of Jesus to Egypt. His parents were afraid, as many here are afraid. But God took care of His child and is taking care of us all here in Kenya too.
The American Embassy sent a letter, saying to all American citizens to stay at home. We are not American, but people think so... We are still at our home since Thursday. I hope that on January 1st it will be possible to have the Service. Pray for us.
"Seek the peace of the city and pray to the LORD for it..." (Jeremiah 29:7),
Have a blessed NEW YEAR.
Pastor Carlos Walter and Lídia Winterle"
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