A1 - It’s almost Christmas again! 2010 has passed by so fast! It seems that time runs faster every year as we become older. On the one hand we are worried that time runs too fast and that Christmas is almost at our door again. But on the other hand we thank God that His grace is renewed again at one more Christmas in our lives, as we sing:
We wish you all a Blessed Christmas! May God be with you in the New Year, guiding you always in His paths.
B – UHLC Activities
NORBERT ONDENGE & BEATRICE OKELLO were visited by the pastoral staff on 3rd November.
Their daughter Stacey was baptized on 14th November thus her name was written in the Book of Life by God Himself.
The UHLC Elders held a Seminar on 6th November. Bishop Obare led the devotion and introduced the history of the ELCK and the UHLC in a short way.
Pr. Omodhi, Pr. Omwoyo and Vicar Jeff presented some Theological Foundation about the role of the Elders. Pr. Omodhi coordinated the organization of the Elders Committees and Pr. Carlos talked about the Church Calendar, the role of the Elders during the Service and explained the Order of service. – It was a very helpful retreat for everyone!
KPA new Mission: Pr. Omwoyo, Vicar Jeff and Pr. Carlos visited the new Mission in KPA slum, which is located along the airport road, on 7th November. This was the first time that the Lord’s Supper was celebrated in that mission. (In the picture: Vicar Jeff, Pr. Omwoyo, Peterson and Fred, leaders of the mission. (Fred had his little shelter demolished with many other small houses in the slum last weekend. The City Council claims that the houses are built on public property. Please, pray for them!)
After the service, the children had their Sunday School and they showed us the pictures they were painting.
The Namibian group, students at Nairobi University, sang in their mother tongue in the Service on 14th November. They were leaving for Namibia to spend the Summer school break at home.
This was also my farewell to them. When they are back, I will be in Cape Town. –Thank you, Namibian folks, for your friendship and for faithful participation in the church’s activities. God bless you!
Nairobi Girls Chorale performed at the service on 14th November.
They presented a Concert in the Cathedral on 12th December. It’s a very good choir!
Deac. Julia (WMPL) came back from the USA after some months in furlough. She married Vincent, a Lutheran from Samburu, Kenya. Congratulations and God’s blessings!
20 children from the Heart to Heart Feeding Program were baptized and/or confirmed in the Kawangware Lutheran church on 12th December. Some of the Homeless Boys were baptized as well. We thank God for the gift of faith granted to these children and teens!
B – UHLC Activities
Tim and Beth Heine, and Tim Norton (not in the picture), missionaries in Guinea, West Africa, came to Nairobi to attend several meetings. I took them to a one-day safari in the Nairobi National Park.
We were lucky: we saw lions there!
Lots of impalas…
… a colorful lizard and a hyrax.
These are rock hyrax, and very friendly. We have tree hyrax in the bushes around our house, but they are nocturnal and we can only hear their loud cry in the night. We very seldom see them.
We met also a crocodile, not so friendly! We saw three in that dam.
Eland (a big antelope) and lots of giraffes, among many other animals: zebras, wildebeest, gazelles, rhinos, monkeys, etc. It’s always exciting to see God’s creatures in their natural habitat.
44 volunteers came in November with Eye and Dental Clinic, coordinated by Salem, Tomball, TX. They divided themselves into several teams working in different places. We visited the team working in Kawangware on 16th November. – We arrived there just at Heart to Heart (HH) Children’s lunch time.
Dave Devore, one of the Team leaders, and Janet, from Heart to Heart Board, with the Dental Clinic supplies.
Catherine, from LCMS World Mission Office in Nairobi, with the Office Team, organized in advance what was necessary for all the clinics.
Local dentists helped the team as well.
Pastor Kevin Westergreen, Redeemer Lutheran Church, Austin, TX, and Dave Devore, came to our house for dinner. Dave helped me to fix my computer.
LCMS World Relief and Human Care Mercy Medical Team attended our Service on 7th November. The Team: Jacob (Leader), Mike, Leah, Beth, Carolyn, Ashley, Denise Kim.
Volunteer Coordinators Conference took place at LCMS WM office from 7th to 9th November. Catherine, Rhoda, Jennifer, Cindy, Beth and Erin, after our service.
Bruce and Karen Broughton, Director of Compassion Works International, from Canada (British Columbia).
Rev. John Juedes, from Highland, California. He was teaching for five weeks at the Seminary in Matongo (ELCK) and is now back in the States.
As we accepted the call to St. Thomas Congregation, Cape Town, a FAREWELL SERVICE was celebrated on 5th December at Uhuru Highway Lutheran Cathedral.
It was a joint Service English/Swahili, and the order of Service was a mixed one in both languages.
The Order of service was projected on the screen.
Pr. Omodhi led the Confession and Absolution in Swahili.
The sermon in English was translated by Oscar into Swahili.
Both congregations English/Swahili came together at 10:00am.
The church was full!
The Lord’s Supper was offered to all confirmed members of the church.
Rev. Ari Lukkarinen was introduced to the congregation. He is Professor at ELCK Matongo Seminary and will serve the English congregation till July, when Rev. Isaiah Obare comes back from his studies in the USA.
He was blessed and greeted by the other pastors.
After the Celebration of the Lord’s Supper, Pr. Omodhi led the Farewell ceremony. He prayed over us and read the Word of God.
Lídia prepared a message in Portuguese to the congregation, and our friend Beata read the English translation.
We gave a memento to the Congregation: The logo of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Brazil made of Brazilian wood.
Several people gave messages: Mr. John Michoro spoke on behalf of Bishop Obare and of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Kenya – ELCK. He gave us a Thank you Letter from the Bishop.
Rev. Claude and Rhoda spoke on behalf of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod World Mission.
Mika Piittala said goodbye on behalf of LEAF (Lutheran Evangelical Association of Finland), representing the Mission Partners of the ELCK. His son Valtteri brought the Brazilian flag we once gave him. – They gave us two T-Shirts written; Kenya-Finland.
A nice plaque of Recognition was given to us on behalf of Archbishop Walter Obare, the pastors and the Elders.
Deac. Oruko (Mary) Eliaika gave an African dress to Lídia on behalf of the UHLC women league.