Thursday, 22 March 2007

Wedding: Anne & Wachira

Joseph Wachira and Anne Makau received their blessing on December 09, 2006. This was the first wedding done by Pastor Carlos in Kenya. Anne was baptized the Sunday before, Dec 03,and Joseph was confirmed. They were instructed in the Christian Lutheran Faith by Evangelist Sylvester. (Ev. Sylvester, Wachira, Anne, P.Carlos, Lídia).

Sunday's School Rally

Sunday's School Teachers, Vicar Nathan and Pastor Carlos at the end of the S.S.Rally. (See the church in the back!)

Sunday's School Rally

More than 50 children participated in the Sunday's School Rally, on December 14, 2006. The S.S.Teachers performed the Christmas Story, sang and played with the children from 10:00am to 5:00pm in the Children's Park behind the church's compound.

Baptism of Chavez

Chavez Osango Asasa received the new life in Christ through the Holy Baptism on December 17,2006

Christmas Eve 2006

People from Brazil, Namibia and EUA/Germany singing "O Tannenbaum" in the Christmas/Pentecost Service: Pastor Carlos, Martha and Mr. Knausenberger.

Christmas 2006

We celebrated a Christmas/Pentecost: 17 different languages were spoken in the Christmas Eve service, praying, singing, reading or just saying "Merry Christmas" in the mother-tongue. This is our International Lutheran Congregation - UHLC : people from different countries, but one faith!
- In the pictures: Students from Namibia singing in one of their own language.

Baptism of Daniel Halakhe

Daniel Halakhe, first son of Rev. John and Jane, was baptized on December 31, 2006 - on the first wedding anniversary of John and Jane.

Visit to Rev. Halakhe's family

Rev. John Halakhe is the General Secretary of the ELCK. His family was visited on December 13,2007, in preparation for the baptism of little Daniel.(Edna, godmother; Lídia; a friend; the grandmother (John's mother); sitting: Rev. John, Jane and Daniel).

Visit to Prof.Malo' family

On January 04,2007 Pastor Carlos visited Prof. Malo and Mrs. Inger. They are UHLC's members since 1973 and they two children are living in Sweden.

World Forum on Theology and Liberation

On January 16 to 19, 2007 Pastor Carlos participated on the 2nd World Forum on Theology and Liberation, in the Carmelites Center. The organizers Dr. Joe Marçal and Frei Susin are from Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil, the city were P.Carlos was living before he came to Nairobi. They visited P.Carlos in his house on Jan/18. After this Forum, P.Carlos visited the World Social Forum with Ev. Sylvester and other people from UHLC. (Dr.Joe,P.Carlos and Fr.Susin).

Visit to Mbui's family

On January 28, 2007 Pastor Carlos and his wife Lídia visited Joseph and Eveline Mbui, parents of little Monica Auma, our goddaughter, and of Rony. They lived in Ongata Rongai. Joseph's brother David is living with them.

Nuru Lutheran Media ministry

On February 01, 2007 Pastor Carlos visited the office of Nuru (Lutheran Hour Ministry). He worked in The Lutheran Hour in Brazil for eight years as speaker and responder. He shared several experiences with the Director John Maina and with Ninah and booked to visit the projects in Kibera and in Kumba (Kajiado) - (see the visits in this BLOG - March 12).

Visit to Kimaro's Family

Fredrick and Sarah Kimaro live in Kamagemi and were visited on February 07, 2007. Little Braville will be baptized on Easter Sunday.
P.S.: Every Wednesday we are visiting some families, but I don't have pictures of all. I will try to have pictures of all in the next visits to report

Elders Retreat

On February 10, 2007 the Elders and pastors had a retreat to discuss the Strategic Plan to our congregation. The discussion is still ongoing.

Pastor Omodhi's 50th birthday

On February 11, 2007 Pastor Enos Omodhi celebrate his 50th birthday. After the service the congregants sang the "Happy Birthday" and offered him some cakes and biscuits. We wish him and his family God's blessing to his life and to his ministry. (P.Omodhi, his wife Clara and his children Purity and Hillary).


The Sunday's School Teachers met on February 17 and 27, 2007, to prepare puppets (or dollies) using recycled materials. Four (4) sets (more than 60 dollies) of Jesus and the 12 apostles + some mamas and angels were prepared for the 4 congregations (Uhuru, kibera, Kawangware and Kiambu) to tell the Lent and Easter stories to the children. Look at the bad face of Judas (on the left), with his money bag on his belt!!!
We are looking for Sunday School material: pictures, crayons, files, etc. Can you help us?

Wedding: Carol and Nils

Caroline Kamande and Nils Henrik Shmith received God's blessing in their wedding last February 24, 2007, in the Shade Hotel, Karen. They will live in Norway. (Ev.Sylvester, Pastor Carlos, Nils, Carol, Pastor Omodhi).
(P.S.: As this Blog began last week, we will put some pictures and news that happened before that, to give a better view of the work at UHLC.)

Wednesday's visits

Every Wednesday the Pastoral Staff are doing home visits. March 20 we visited Mrs. Sallyme Ogweno Odhiambo and Roselyne Achieng, in Kibera. Sally is widow and need good health care. Her children were baptized on March 11: Ruth, Stanley and Hillary, as we reported in the former news. The children were in the school when we were in their house. Clothes and food from the 1st Sunday Offerings were given to them (P.Carlos, Roselyne, Sallyme, Deac. Mary, Ev. Sylvester, P.Omodhi; Vicar Nathan took the picture).

Lutheran Evangelical Association of Finland

Rev. Dr. Pekka Huhtinen, Mission Director of the LEAF - Lutheran Evangelical Association of Finland, was in Nairobi last March 20. Pastor Carlos had a meeting with him and pastor Rheino, Finnish missionary in Nairobi, to share experiences and to talk about the work in Kenya and Sudan. Pastor Carlos visited the LEAF office in Helsinki in 2003. (Pastor Carlos, Rev. Pekka, Pastor Rheino - in the picture).

Saturday, 17 March 2007

Kumba-Kajiado congregants and visitors

The children and mamas sang so nice!!! We had the opportunity to address a brief message and John Maina offered a prayer. After all, a picture of all who were there!
We thank God that he is still working through his Word an the Sacraments among the maasais too, our sisters and brothers in Christ. Will you pray for them and for their projects? Maybe you know someone who can help them.

Mammas and Lidia

The mamas (ladies) welcomed Lidia and gave her two maasai necklaces.

Matthew, the leader

When Matthew (with tie and brow jacket) moved to Kumba 10 years ago, it was nothing. He began to talk about Jesus, and now they have a nice congregation there, with big plans: to have a secondary school, an hospital and a community hall. Matthew drives 100 km every day from his house to his office in Nairobi. He is a good toll in God's hand!

The "mamas"

The mamas (ladies), children and some lay leaders were waiting for us.

Kumpa, Kajiado

From Kibera, we went to Kajiado (more or less 120 km from our home), in the Maasai Land, were the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Kenya have a congregation among the maasais. The plaque on the main road indicates were to enter to the church.

The children in the class

The school in Kibera and the children. They sang do nice!!!

The indication to the Church

At one of the entrance of the slum, the indications to the church.

Visit to Kibera

On Monday, March 12, my family visited the church and the school in Kibera, the biggest slumb of Africa. In the picture: John Maina (Nuru Lutheran Media Ministry Director - The Lutheran Hour), the principal of the school, Ninah (Nuru), Lidia, P.Carlos, Emmanuel (from Kibera) and Paulo H. Winterle.

Baptism now saves you!

Let us remember this great blessing: "The few people in the boat - eight in all - (Noah and his family) were saved by the water, which was a symbol pointing to baptism, which now saves you. It saves you through the ressurrection of Jesus Christ..." (1 Peter 3:20,21)

Pastor Omodhi and one of his godchild

Pastor Enos Omodhi was a sponsor too. (Ev. Sylveter , Pastor Carlos and Pastor Omodhi)

Vicar Nathan Scheele and his godchild

Vicar Nathan was one of the sponsors!

6 Baptisms!!!

Last Sunday, March 11, was a special day!!! We had 6 baptisms in the English Service: Ruth Moraa Marwanga, Edmond Ongweso, Tylus Yesaya Minja, Ruth Auma Odhiambo, Stanley Onyango Odhiambo and Hilary Obila Odhiambo. In the picture: the parents, sponsors, elders and pastors.

Léo and Paulo visited us

Our sons Léo and Paulo visited us (March 2 - 16).
Paulo, Lidia, P.Carlos and Léo in the Cathedral last Sunday, March 11.

HALLO! We are here!

Hallo! Now we have a BLOG to share with our friends the blessings God is giving us in Kenya!

My wife Lidia and I arrived in Nairobi on October 6, 2006, to serve the English congregation of the Uhuru Highway Lutheran Church. We came from Brazil, where I was parish pastor during 25 years and President of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Brazil the last 8 years. We have three children: Leo (33), Tatiana (31) and Paulo (26) and one grandson, Martin (11). They remained in Brazil. We are very happy to be here! God's plans are not our plans; but his plans are every time better then ours.

Please, if you will not receive this BLOG, let us know. And if you will share it with your friends, please, do it and let me know too, so that I can add more addresses to my BLOG.

God bless us during this time in Kenya, as He has blessed us during all our life!