Rev. Dr. Arthur A. Just, from Concordia Theological Seminary, Fort Wayne, IN, USA, was our guest preacher on 6th June.
He has been several times in Kenya, reaching at Matongo Seminary and doing other activities as well.
Volunteers: LCMS World relief & Human Care MERCY MEDICAL TEAM took part in the service on the same Sunday. 17 volunteers, led by Jacob Fiene, came for a 5- day Medical Clinic + for a 5-day Home Based Seminar held in Atemo, Lake diocese.
UFUNUO (Revelation) CHOIR sang that Sunday,
and Fared & Helvi, Namibian student at the Nairobi University, sang in their mother tongue Ochiwambo.
Rev. Glenn F. Merrit was the guest preacher on 13th June (in the picture with his wife). He is the Director of Disaster Response of LCMS World Relief and Human Care.
Mr. Hans Springer, Associate Executive Director Fund Development (LCMS WR & HC) accompanied Rev. Glenn.
Mr. Norbert Knaus, from “St. Paul Lutheran Church”, Pretoria, South Africa, visited us on 13th June.
On 20th June it was Rev. Rune Mjolhus’ farewell. He was the Resident Representative of Norwegian Lutheran Mission in East Africa - NLM EA and the Director of SMEA and NNM. He moved back to Norway to be the General Director of the NLM. - We are missing you all: Rev. Rune & Jane and children: Seline, Rubens, Silas and Valentin. God’s blessing to you in your home country and at your new position.
Rev. Rich Tursic & Kathy with their children: Andrew, Kelly and Scott are visiting Kenya for some days. They spent the first day in Kenya visiting the Elephant Orphanage and the Orphan’s Feeding Program in Kawangware. They are from the USA, but they were missionaries in China for a long time. God bless them as they are visiting some of the ELCK and Mission Training Center – MTC mission station and enjoying the beautiful safaris in Kenya.
A new Adult Class is ongoing at UHLC.
The candidates have classes after the English service.
They are studying the principal doctrines of the Bible following the Small Catechism.
Deac. Kathleen Lutz and Deac. Mary Khainga (not in the picture) are in charge of this class.
The English Choir, led by Pianist Mozart, has their rehearsal after the English service as well. They sing at the Service almost every Sunday; most of the singers are youth from Kenya and from Namibia (Temporary in Kenya as students at the Nairobi University).
Joseph Wachira & Ann + Ryan were visited on 1st June. His brother and sister-in-law were with them on that day.
Bishop Obare installed the UHLC new Elders elected at the Annual General Assembly, 27th June.
The installation took place at the English Service on 4th July. The new Elders are as follows:
Mrs. Linnet Shiundu
Mr. Martin Akuku
Eng Lawrence Atera
Mrs. Beata Balint
Dr. Jared Mecha
Mr. Muloko Kongolo
Prof. Andrew Guidamis
Ms. Helvi (Youth representative)
Ex-Chief Samson Malombe
Mr. Zephania Aming’a
Mr. David Mollel
Mr. Amos Nyamoko
Mrs. Jane Orutwa
Mrs. Loreen Asacha.
They were introduced at the Swahili Service as well
Mrs. Inger Margareta Otieno Malo passed away on 1st June. She was born on 1st May 1948 in Sweden.
She was married to Prof. Joseph Otieno Malo. Both owned the longest membership at Uhuru Highway Lutheran Cathedral, since July 1972. Whenever she was not traveling she was always a faithful participant of the UHLC services with her husband.
She took part in several activities in the church and in the society as well, leading prayer and Bible Study groups, helping the needy and living her Christian faith day-by-day. (In the picture: Cleaning the Cathedral’s windows on the ‘general cleaning day last year’).
She worked more than 30 years as Librarian at the University of Nairobi. Many friends and relatives came to the funeral.
The funeral was held on 8th July: A short moment of prayer with the family at the mortuary; then the main Service at the church, where several relatives and friends spoke; then a short moment at her house (in the picture); and finally the ceremony at the Langata Crematory.
Her family: Arne Shadrack Malo (son), Prof. Joseph Otieno Malo (husband), Carl Malo (nephew), Lois Malo (Niece), Lois Maj Malo (daughter) and Dalvin Bangura (grandson). The other grandson André Malo couldn’t come.- Prof. Malo will spend some times in Sweden, were their children live. – REST IN THE PEACE OF THE LORD!