On the 1st of February 2009 we had our first Service of our second term (two more years) as pastor at Uhuru Highway Lutheran Cathedral – English International Service.
It was so nice to meet all the people and to be welcomed with so much love! Lidia and I said to all: THANK YOU! GOD BLESS YOU ALL!
Based on John 3:16, the sermon stressed the goal for the second term: To share God’s love in Christ with both in words and in deeds!

– Rev. Claude and Rhoda, helped by Catherine, organized us and some friends a lunch at their house after the service to welcome us back.

– It was good not only to see all the friendly people, but also some local marks: the Maasai cows crossing the roads, among the cars,…

… and the furniture factories and stores on the side of the roads, where we bought all the furniture for our house when we came to Nairobi two years ago.

On the 7th of February the Elders and Pastors had their regular meeting. After the meeting we visited Elder Thomas Mokua and his family; they offered a good lunch to all of us. – Thomas had lost his mother some weeks before; she was over 100 years old and we took him a comfort from the Word of God. – Pastoral Staff attended also the burial of Simon Kariba Njatha, Magiri’s brother in Ngong Hills; and visited Joseph+ Evelyn+ Monica Mbui in Ongata Rongai on 17th February.

On the 8th/02, after the service, we went with Rev. Claude Houge to the dedication of a plot where Catherine will begin to build her house in Ngong Town. Catherine is the secretary of the LCMS Mission Office in Karen, Nairobi, and a good friend of ours. Her relatives and friends were also there.

The Board of Heart to Heart Orphans Children Center – OOHCC - had several meetings in February and March, discussing the plans, the budget, the sponsors, the projects and so fort. God is blessing the HHOCC efforts in helping the needy people. Thank you, sponsors from Kenya, Hungary, USA, Germany and Brazil!

Nzumari Africa Choir sang at our Service on 15th February. Just girls, proclaiming the Gospel through music in churches and events.

The Sunday School Teachers had their first training for this year on February 21st. The number of children coming to the different classes at UHLC, Kawangware, Kibera and Kiambu is increasing. The teachers need more resources: activities, pictures and more helpers. - They have training once a month.

Dr. Dean Nadasdy, LCMS Vice President, preached at the Cathedral on March 1st.
He and his wife Susan came to the dedication of the Luther Plaza (see the next postage), representing the LCMS. Thank you, Dr. Dean. – (Pr. Carlos was in Mozambique that Sunday.)

– On the same Sunday was the farewell of our organist Stephen Padre, who went back to the USA. Thank you, Stephen, for serving the Lord with your skills while in Nairobi.

– March 15th – The Angaza Choir, from the Swahili Service, sang at the English Service. They are planning to come once a month to sing at the English Service. Thank you!

March 22nd: Dr. Jack Preus, President of the Concordia University, Irvine, California, visited our congregation with his daughter Rebecca. On Friday March 20th he was at the Matongo Lutheran Theological College where he gave an honorary doctorate D.D. – Doctor Divinitatis – to Bishop Obare.(See end of the next postage).

Dr. Preus preached on Philippians 2: 5-11: Jesus Christ is the Lord! – Thank you, Dr. Preus.

Some of the Sunday School children had some memory verse to share that same Sunday.

– Norwegian teachers from the Norwegian School at the Scripture Mission compound sang to the glory of God: Anne-Hjørdis Grøvan (Alto), Silje Hodne (Soprano) and Øyvind Stavnes (Piano)

Prof. Dr. Joseph Ochola Omollo, President of the Matongo Lutheran Theological College, and his wife Ruth also attended the service. They were with Dr. Preus.
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