Maurice Wan, Angela, Leung Ka-Fu Raymond (deacon), Eva (Church ministry), Carlos W. Winterle, Fuk Yin (Church ministry), Lidia Winterle, IP Kam-hung Jordas, Grace (Church ministry), Daniel Ma.
We arrived at our son’s house just on our 36th wedding anniversary (January 13th) and we celebrated it with our son Leo and our daughter-in-law Carol.
Leo and Carol had just moved to Schiltach, where Carol got a new job. Their apartment is in the “Marktplatz”, near of the City Council. (Lidia and Leo in front of their building).
Schiltach is a very old, nice and preserved city. Some of the buildings are from the 1400s. Most of the houses were built in the old German “eixamel” style.
It was very cold all the time we stay with them. The river that crosses the city was almost frozen.
Shiltach is in South of Germany, very near France and Switzerland.
Lidia’s brother Luis Gustavo Hasse and his wife Olivia visited with us in Shiltach and we visited with them also in Sulzburg, where they lived.
On Sunday, January 18th, I was invited to give a presentation at the “Evangelische Gemeinde Shiltach”, by Pastor Dr. Christof Glimpel.
Pastor Dr. Christof Glimpel and his wife Josefine.

– The presentation was about Revelation 7:9-10 and was in German.

January 28th: Another presentation was given for the congregation at “Martin Luther Hause”.
TIME TO GO!!! After six months out of Nairobi, it’s time to go back to our beloved brothers and sisters at Uhuru Highway Lutheran Cathedral for a second term of two years. We thank GOD for all blessings and for all friends, old and new, we met during this long trip. It was a very good opportunity to share with hundreds of people God’s blessings upon the work in Kenya and the challenges we have faced there. As Lidia says: “If we don’t reach the total of the financial goal until yet, but we got many, many friends!” – I’m sure that we will reach also the financial goal when all the contacts will send their offerings to the LCMS World Mission.
A balance of the presentations:
10 presentations - BRASIL – (August and September)
85 presentations - USA - (October, November, December and January)
05 presentations – HONG KONG AND GERMANY (January)
TOTAL: 100 presentations
If you want to help the mission in Kenya, please, send a check to:
LCMS World Mission – Mission Central
Gary Thies
40718 Hwy. E16
Mapleton, IA 51034
(Designate: Winterle – Kenya 50291)
LCMS World Mission
1333 S. Kirkwood Rd.
St. Louis, MO 63122
(Designate: Winterle – Kenya 50291)
Or go to and click on “Give Now”.
e-mail address:
Mailing address: (Please, don't send checks to this address; just cards)
Carlos Walter & Lidia Winterle
PO Box 22
Karen 00502,
10 presentations - BRASIL – (August and September)
85 presentations - USA - (October, November, December and January)
05 presentations – HONG KONG AND GERMANY (January)
TOTAL: 100 presentations
If you want to help the mission in Kenya, please, send a check to:
LCMS World Mission – Mission Central
Gary Thies
40718 Hwy. E16
Mapleton, IA 51034
(Designate: Winterle – Kenya 50291)
LCMS World Mission
1333 S. Kirkwood Rd.
St. Louis, MO 63122
(Designate: Winterle – Kenya 50291)
Or go to and click on “Give Now”.
e-mail address:
Mailing address: (Please, don't send checks to this address; just cards)
Carlos Walter & Lidia Winterle
PO Box 22
Karen 00502,
Kenya - East Africa
Together In Mission (TIM),
Carlos Walter & Lídia Winterle
Inspirador todo o vosso blog. Trasmite-nos alegria e a certeza que Deus está do nosso lado, sempre, onde quer que estejamos. Que esse mesmo Deus continue a vos inspirar e proteger no vosso trabalho entre os irmãos do Kenya. Forte abraço. Pastor Genivaldo Agner.
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