The Igreja Evangélica Luterana do Brasil – IELB – Evangelical Lutheran Church of Brazil – board invited me to two meetings with them, on February 11th and on February 27th, and to make a presentation to all who work at the IELB’s headquarters.

It was a good opportunity to give a report and to talk with the IELB’s officers about the renewal of our commitment after this first term, which is going to end in October/2008. Congregations and individuals of the IELB offered R$ 5.320,00 (US$ 2,800.00 = KSH 184,800.00) for the ELCK victims of the post-election violence. THANK YOU!

The COLÉGIO CONCÓRDIA – Porto Alegre, invited us to give a presentation at the Teaching Staff’s year opening meeting, on February 20th. (It’s the beginning of a new School Year in Brazil now).

The SEMINÁRIO CONCÓRDIA in the city of São Leopoldo, RS, invited us to speak at its first class day on February 26th to all students, Professors, some visitors, and their families.

It was a very good opportunity to share the challenges the Christian Church faces in Africa with the future pastors. It was so nice to meet so many friends there!
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