th October was the
Nuru Sunday at
NURU LUTHERAN MEDIA MINISTRY is a Lutheran organization affiliated to
ELCK. It is a branch of International Lutheran
Laymen's League, sponsor of the Lutheran Hour Ministry. "Our
Mission is taking Christ to the Nations and the Nations do the churches. And our
Vision is to Equip and Engage lay people in congregation to Proclaim the Gospel in their respective regions so as to enhance growth and active participation in the life of the local congregation."Mr. John
Maina, Country Director, spoke to the congregants about the challenges
NURU has in Kenya and
NURU staff were present too.
The Bible Correspondence Course has more than 30 000 students. The Prison Ministry is ongoing well too.
Nuru has several booklets,
CDs and DVDs (for children too), that were offered after the service.
You can visit
Nuru Office and know better the outreach work they are doing: At
Ngong Rd, near the China Center and near Kenya Women Finance Trust. Call to Mr. John
Maina and book a meeting with him: 0735 191 010.
In the same Sunday, "The Conquerors" (Music and Drama Team) from
Kawangware visited us and sang several nice songs during the Service. They are doing they work joint with
NURU. They are doing outreach programs: On 14
th and 15
th September they visited a school in
Tika. They reached there 3000 thousand students with the Gospel through music, drama, testimonies, presentations about HIV/AIDS and other topics. They went back to that school on Oct/21 to do follow up. They are looking for be sponsored to record a CD with music.
"The Conquerors"sold after the service the two
VCDs they launched: "
JUU CHINI" and "
UAMINUFU", both in Swahili (60
minutes every one). If you want to buy one, let us know.
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